We woke up in Fort Valley to quite a bit of fog. I had intended on shooting the Christmas lights downtown
and had not gotten around to it yet. Decided a bit of fog could make some cool images.
I took along the 15-30mm zoom and my 28mm, not sure what I wanted to do.
The first three are shot with the really wide 15mm. For what I wanted in these images it was just right. I wanted a wide scene and the perspective in the top two with the strong diagonal lines. Also used the 15 to get the nutcracker large in the frame while still keeping some environment.
The bottom shot is with the 28. The 15 really puts a lot of distance between the foreground and background objects. In the top three images, that was a good thing. In the bottom photo I wanted to keep the nutcracker fairly close to the tree so the 28 worked better.