Today after Deborah and I got home from church we noticed a lot of activity on our bird feeders hanging near our backporch. We have several feeders that we can watch through the windows.
I grabbed a camera and shot some from inside the house. The top photo was shot through the window and screen. The pictures had a softness to them caused by the screen. It was a cool photo, but I wanted closer.
I got my tripod and set it up in the yard focused in on a feeder. I went inside and waited for another feathered visitor. Some birds came close, landed in the nearby trees, then flew away. Our cats were lurking in the bushes. The cats finally wandered away, and the birds came back. I used my ML-L3 wireless remote to trigger the camera. The Cardinal was a little jumpy at the camera firing but soon got over it.
This little remote is a handy little item. It cost less than 20 bucks from B&H Photo, and works with the D90, D200 and the D70. It is infrared, so it is line of sight; but still a handy item. Works great for getting yourself in the photo, too.
Sunday, May 30, 2010
This One's For The Birds
Saturday, May 29, 2010
Life Is Full Of Changes
We all go through lots of changes in our lives. Some more difficult to handle than others. So many people have gone through unwanted and unexpected changes due to our economy. Loss of jobs, homes. The paper I have worked for the past 18 months was bought by Tribble Newspapers. The good folks at Tribble decided that they no longer needed my services.
Since April my duties and pay had changed about four times. The last photo I did for the paper was Peach County's Special Olympics April 23. Since then I had been doing only layout. I need to be shooting pictures. Anyway, when last Tuesday rolled around, I was ready to be gone. I have been working on a new website for the past few weeks. My old site was mostly photojournalism. Well, I guess it was about all photojournalism. It was time to feature weddings and portraits. These are a few of the probably too many images on the new site.
Top and bottom are from the same wedding, the center is from a fashion shoot.