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... is a freelance photographer working in Middle Georgia

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Of Daffodils and Fisheyes

I was riding along Highway 49 this afternoon looking at the sky, really wanting to do a picture. I decided it would be a great sky for my fisheye, all that cloud cover. I just could not find anything to put in the foreground. It was a great sky, but it needed an anchor.

I had almost given up when I spotted these daffodils at the side of a farmer's empty field. They were on the edge of the ditch so I had no problem getting down low.
One of the cool things about this lens is that it will focus to one inch. That means you can get up close on stuff and make an awesome photo. My last fisheye would only focus to about ten inches so you could not have quite the drama you get by being so much closer.

Anyway, here they are. I hope you were inspired to stop and shoot something just for yourself today.

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