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... is a freelance photographer working in Middle Georgia

Monday, May 16, 2011

Shooting Raw

I have been watching Lannie Fenster's wheat field for over a week now, waiting for the right photo. Today was my day. I was coming back from Warner Robins and knew I wanted the day's wonderful clouds in my image.  I shot some with the 15mm, but was not getting enough sky, so I swapped the 15 for the 10mm fisheye. Love it.

I have been shooting a lot of my personal work in RAW for the last couple of weeks. It is nice to have the range to play with every part of the image that Camera Raw provides.

Both the wheat photo and the photo of Keyaira below were shot RAW and run through Camera Raw before Photoshop. The two photos show some of what you can do with RAW files. The two were processed pretty much the same except for the Clarity slider. The wheat photo was all the way right for maximum detail. The Keyaira photo was way over to the left, for the softer look.

Kinda neat.

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