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... is a freelance photographer working in Middle Georgia

Monday, January 10, 2011

This Ain't The Circus

I shot for the Telegraph Saturday and Sunday. Saturday was a full day, started with the Forest Hills UMC food giveaway and ended with Northeast-Central basketball. Sunday I was scheduled to shoot the Ringling Brothers Circus. At the last minute, they decided not to let us cover their show. Really odd.
I was on my way to an alternate story when Metro Editor Oby Brown(one of the best editors I ever worked with) called with another assignment.

The Macon/Bibb County officials were gathering at the EMA Center to discuss plans for dealing with the winter storm that was about to hit Middle Georgia. So I headed to City Hall.

This was a news story. News stories do not always make the most interesting photos, but because of their importance, come first. And often make you look a little harder for an interesting shot.  EMA Director Don Druitt was leading the meeting which began with a statewide webcast by the National Weather Service.
I shot during the webcast, photographing Druitt, Mayor Robert Reichert, Commission Chair Sam Hart, and whatever I thought might be important or just photogenic.

The webcast ended and the weather map was still projected on the huge screen in the room. My idea was to get Mr. Druitt addressing the group with ther map n the background. He began talking and moved to the center of the room. THe projected map fell across his face and upper body. Made a really cool image, I had my photo.

Monday's work was photographing the actual storm My favorite MOnday photo was this poor little bird sitting atop an ice covered bird feeder. You know he must be thinking, "I know I flew south!"


Cici said...

Since you have a picture of a cat on your blog, I'm going to assume you like animals. Have you seen these pictures of Ringling Bros. trainers and their baby elephants.
There was probably something Ringling didn't want you photographing while they are Macon.

Unknown said...

Poor little bird! Good thing you have feeders out though, with the way the weather has been I'm sure its hard for them to find food.

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