My photo
... is a freelance photographer working in Middle Georgia

Friday, April 25, 2008

Leapin Lizards!!!!!

I love my lizard picture. It should be my wife's photo. She has been doing a lot
of photography lately, and as I have said before, has a great eye. We were working in the yard a couple of weeks ago and she found the lizard. Said "You should shoot a picture of this." I tried to get her to shoot it, but was really wanting it for myself.
Ah, greed. Nothing like photo envy.

Anyway, I shot the lizard with my little Canon and left the picture in the camera until today. I had forgotten about it until I was looking at some cat photos Deborah had done. We have a new little Manx that is quite the photo opportunity waiting to happen.

The bottom photo is one Deborah shot last night. I had mentioned a while back that you need to get down to eye level when photographing pets and kids. This is a perfect example of what you can get. Quite the dramatic image of a little
house cat.

Back to the lizard....I am old and my mind wanders. Sorry. The first images were all shadow, none of the lizard was showing over the leaf edge. I was afraid it would get scared off before the head came over the edge. I got two frames and he was gone. I did the original in color and noticed it made a pretty cool black and white when I was sharpening it. The black and white really gets creepy. Looks like Nasferatu.

1 comment:

Kim A. said...

Love the color shot! I've been lucky to get a picture of a cute anole once. One of my favorite pictures I've done.

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