My photo
... is a freelance photographer working in Middle Georgia

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Funny Moments

Funny moments with politicians are few and far between, so you really need to shoot 'em when you see
them. Those funny little things that just pop into the viewfinder, sometimes so quickly you almost miss
them, And there are some that you don't see until you edit your film.

This photo of Ned Sanders' grandson Jackson is one of my favorite photos. It was taken at the swearing
in ceremony for Mr. Sanders as Houston County Commission chairman. I was kneeling in the center aisle
shooting away when this little face peeked around the side of the chair. I got off a couple of frames before
a mortified momma grabbed him. The photo made a 1-B story suddenly worth 1A, and is one of the most
commented on photos I have ever shot.

The Bob Dole photo was during a campaign visit to Macon. The lady witht e disposable camera was one
of a group of educators who had been chosen to join Dole on the dais. Her expression as she leaned around
to photograph him was too good to pass up. By far the least boring moment of the campaign rally.

The last photo is the late Lester Maddox. He was a very interesting man. He was a one time a very staunch segregationist, later was governor of Georgia. One of his more interesting talents was the ability to ride a
bicycle backwards.

You never know what is going to pop into your viewfinder. Whatever it is, shoot it and decide later if it
is a keeper.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


I love these photos. You know how to do it better than anybody.
Thanks for explaining how important it is to get the shot off and ponder the significance later.
Love your blog!

Joyce Bailey-Roberson

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